指以竹罐或玻璃罐為工具,利用熱力排除罐內(nèi)空氣而造成負壓,使之吸附于體表的一定穴位或患處的治療方法。The application to an acupuncturepoint or an affected area of the body ofthe bamboo or glass cup from which theair has been expelled with heat to createa nega......(本文共 235 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 指以竹罐或玻璃罐為工具,利用熱力排除罐內(nèi)空氣而造成負壓,使之吸附于體表的一定穴位或患處的治療方法。The application to an acupuncturepoint or an affected area of the body ofthe bamboo or glass cup from which theair has been expelled with heat to createa nega......(本文共 235 字) [閱讀本文] >>