prize talont very much(/highly)/雖然詩(shī)也做的不如他好,畫也畫的不如他好,他卻~。遇著這些人來,留著吃酒吃飯,說也有,笑也有。(《儒林外史》624) Though their poems and paintings were not as good as his,Gai Kuan prized talent so much that when such visitors calle......(本文共 232 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 prize talont very much(/highly)/雖然詩(shī)也做的不如他好,畫也畫的不如他好,他卻~。遇著這些人來,留著吃酒吃飯,說也有,笑也有。(《儒林外史》624) Though their poems and paintings were not as good as his,Gai Kuan prized talent so much that when such visitors calle......(本文共 232 字) [閱讀本文] >>