want to be related/你若不棄嫌,就把與你做個孫媳婦。你我~,我不爭你的財禮,你也不爭我的裝奩,只要做幾件布草衣服。(《儒林外史》255) If you have no objection,I will give her to your boy. Since we want to be related,I wouldn’t ask you for any presents and y......(本文共 235 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 want to be related/你若不棄嫌,就把與你做個孫媳婦。你我~,我不爭你的財禮,你也不爭我的裝奩,只要做幾件布草衣服。(《儒林外史》255) If you have no objection,I will give her to your boy. Since we want to be related,I wouldn’t ask you for any presents and y......(本文共 235 字) [閱讀本文] >>