n. ①住處,膳宿: a temporary ~一個臨時住所 ②適應,調整: I want to arrange the ~of my teaching plan to yours.我想調整我的教學計劃以便和你的相適應。③調解,和解:They failed to agree on every point but come to an ~.他們并非在每一點上達成一致,但已達......(本文共 198 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 n. ①住處,膳宿: a temporary ~一個臨時住所 ②適應,調整: I want to arrange the ~of my teaching plan to yours.我想調整我的教學計劃以便和你的相適應。③調解,和解:They failed to agree on every point but come to an ~.他們并非在每一點上達成一致,但已達......(本文共 198 字) [閱讀本文] >>