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圣經文學 共有 1346 個詞條內容


    Christian prophet from Judea (Acts 11 & 21) who prophesied that afamine would strike the land. He also said that Paul would be arrested and given over to the authorities. Both prophecies came true. Greek Christiansstill celebrate with a festival on Ma...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Often known as Herod Agrippa,he was the Roman ruler in Pales-tine 41-44 AD. He gave generously to the Jewish temple,cultivated supportfrom the Pharisees,and tried to obey Jewish laws and traditions. He orderedthe death of several Christian leaders in orde...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    King of Israel from 869-850 BCE. One of the most melodramatickings in the Old Testament. He married a Phoenician princess Jezebel,whobrought her pagan gods into Israel. Ahab did not discourage her from arather aggressive pursuit of her religion,thus many ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    A soft stone used to make pots,perfume flasks. Today it is fre-quently thought to be similar to gypsum. (Lk. 7:37)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Alexander the Great

    Born in 356 BC,he was taught by Aristotle and is rec-ognized as one of the most brilliant men in ancient times. At the age of 20 hebecame king of Macedonia,and determined to end the Persian menace byconquering the entire Middle Eastern world for Greece. H...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    A method of interpreting stories in which one goes beyond the literal meaning and tries to discover hidden meaning in every figure or item inthe story. It was an accepted principle of interpretation during post New Tes-tament days. In the New Testament it...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Common descriptive word for God,draws upon the power of Godover the universe and all humanity. It indicates that God is able to do what-ever God chooses to do....[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Donations for the poor. In the Old Testament this was done throughleaving part of the agricultural crops unharvested along the edges of the fieldsso that the poor would have food. In the NT alms became a sign of spirituali-ty. When giving of alms became s...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Alpha and Omega

    The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet,used toindicate all-inclusive concepts. In the New Testament,it indicates that Godwas before anything else,and will continue to be after all other things aregone. (Rev. 22∶13)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Place of sacrifice where animals or other offerings are presented toGod. These were originally constructed of simple stones piled on top of eachother,but gradually came to have sacred meaning,and developed more elabo-rate and refined style. The altar held...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
