經外奇穴名。在手背側,微握拳,第1~5指間,指蹼緣后方赤白肉際處,左右共8穴。主治:煩熱,手指麻木,手臂拘攣,手背紅腫等。The name of the extraordinarypoint. They are on the dorsum of thehand,at the junction of the white andred skin of the hand web,eight in all.......(本文共 293 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 經外奇穴名。在手背側,微握拳,第1~5指間,指蹼緣后方赤白肉際處,左右共8穴。主治:煩熱,手指麻木,手臂拘攣,手背紅腫等。The name of the extraordinarypoint. They are on the dorsum of thehand,at the junction of the white andred skin of the hand web,eight in all.......(本文共 293 字) [閱讀本文] >>