set up; install; mount; fit; fix; insertion ;① 在損傷部位或靠近損傷部位安裝異位啟動器,啟動器的沖動在丘腦脊髓束傳送,從而引起這種疼痛。① Such pain may be caused by ectopic generators set up at or proximal to the lesion site, whose impulses are transmitted i......(本文共 636 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 set up; install; mount; fit; fix; insertion ;① 在損傷部位或靠近損傷部位安裝異位啟動器,啟動器的沖動在丘腦脊髓束傳送,從而引起這種疼痛。① Such pain may be caused by ectopic generators set up at or proximal to the lesion site, whose impulses are transmitted i......(本文共 636 字) [閱讀本文] >>