· 句意 ·春雨隨著春風在夜里悄悄地落下,無聲地滋潤著大地萬物。抒寫詩人對春夜細雨無私奉獻品質的喜愛贊美之情?!? 英譯 ·The spring rain falls down quietly with the wind and irrigates the ground in silence.To express the favor for the silent dedicat......(本文共 246 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 · 句意 ·春雨隨著春風在夜里悄悄地落下,無聲地滋潤著大地萬物。抒寫詩人對春夜細雨無私奉獻品質的喜愛贊美之情?!? 英譯 ·The spring rain falls down quietly with the wind and irrigates the ground in silence.To express the favor for the silent dedicat......(本文共 246 字) [閱讀本文] >>