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英漢雙解常用英語諺語 共有 797 個詞條內(nèi)容

31 The bait hides the hook

    誘餌藏鉤。It is the hook that catches the fish,but it is the bait that tempts it to take the hook into its mouth. The moral is: beware of an attractive offer,for there is very likely to be a catch in it.釣魚用魚鉤,但誘魚上鉤的是魚餌。這條諺語的寓意是: 當(dāng)心有誘惑力的建...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


32 Barking dogs seldom bite

    吠犬不咬人。When a dog barks at you,this does not necessarily mean that he intends to bite you.He may be just excited or frightened of you.The proverb means that a man who utters threats in a loud voice,or is given to noisy boasting,need not be taken seriously....[繼續(xù)閱讀]


33 Be just before you are generous

    在你慷慨助人之前,使應(yīng)該先得的先得到;先公正而后慷慨。You have no right to be generous till you have first met the demands of justness. You should not,for example,start giving presents to your friends before you have paid back the money you owe others.首先做到公平,你才有...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


34 The beaten road is the safest

    舊路最安全。Don’t take unnecessary risks. Profit from the experience of others. The proverb can be better understood if for ‘beaten road’ we read‘beaten track’ or ‘well-worn path’.It is safer to keep to such a path leading through the woods,however much it wind...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


35 Beauty is but skin deep

    美貌只不過是皮相之物; 人不可貌相。We cannot judge by looks alone.Physical beauty may hide an ugly nature.看人不能單憑相貌,肉體上的美可能掩蓋著丑惡的本質(zhì)。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


36 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    美麗存在于觀看者的心目中; 情人眼里出西施?!瓸eauty’,the dictionary tells us,‘is a combination of qualities,as shape,proportion,colour,in human face or form,or in other objects,that delights the sight.’The last four words are important. Beauty does not exist by itself; it ex...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


37 Beggars must not be choosers

    要飯的那能挑肥揀瘦; 討飯難揀嘴;饑不擇食。A person who is hungry and has no money to buy food should not complain when he is offered bread and cheese instead of roast lamb and new potatoes,with apple tart and cream to follow. He is in no position to argue with his benefactor...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


38 The best fish swim near the bottom

    好魚居水底; 好戲在后頭。They are therefore the most difficult to catch.Nothing is really worth having if it can be got without any trouble. The best things are hard to come by.好魚居水底,因此捉起來最困難。得來毫不費力的東西,沒有真正的價值。最好的東西得之...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


39 Best is cheapest

    最好的東西最便宜。Articles of the best quality usually last longer and give better service than those that are cheap and inferior,so that in the long run they prove cheaper. It does not,however,necessarily follow that the dearest is the best,since some dear things...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


40 The best is often the enemy of the good

    過于求全,適得其反; 好高鶩遠,成就有限; 要求過高,反難成功。This suggests that in striving to reach perfection we often spoil what would have been good enough.這條諺語啟示我們: 在力爭達到完善的過程中,我們往往損害了那些本來就很好的東西。反意諺...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
