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華南國防醫(yī)學(xué)雜志 頁數(shù): 4 2007-02-25
摘要: 目的探討海水微波固定介質(zhì)的可行性及軍事意義。方法用不同濃度、相同pH值和不同pH值、相同濃度的海水作微波固定介質(zhì),對手術(shù)切除標(biāo)本進(jìn)行處理,觀察細(xì)胞形態(tài)和細(xì)胞結(jié)構(gòu),同時與0.01MPBS液微波固定介質(zhì)進(jìn)行對比。結(jié)果海水作微波固定介質(zhì)所固定的組織切片染色后,細(xì)胞結(jié)構(gòu)清晰,細(xì)胞形態(tài)完整。結(jié)論海水作為微波固定介質(zhì)是可行的,具有重要的軍事意義。
Objective To study the feasibilty and military significance of using sea-water as microwave fixed medium.Methods Humen surgical specimens were disposed with the sea-water of different concentrations and same pH value,or different pH value and same concentrations as microwave fixed medium.The surgical specimens in the control group were disposed with 0.01Mol/L PBS.The cell morphology and structures of the specimens were observed.Result The cells were integral and cell structures were clear in the specimens using the sea-water as as microwave fixed medium.Conclusion The using the sea-water as microwave fixed medium is feasible and has important military significance.

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