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解放軍醫(yī)院管理雜志 頁數(shù): 3 2007-01-25
摘要: 本文研究了亞健康的發(fā)生發(fā)展形勢,探討亞健康的診斷與分型方法。對照國際國內(nèi)亞健康研究成果,研究亞健康癥狀在部隊人群中主要表現(xiàn),通過界定了部隊亞健康人群狀態(tài)的范圍提出了部隊官兵亞健康分型與診斷的基本依據(jù)。通過對亞健康明確診斷與分型,可以提高其干預(yù)措施有效性,可以做為建立部隊官兵健康管理模式的基礎(chǔ)。
Objective: To investigate diagnosis and classification of sub - health. Methods:Corresponding to the definition on sub - health of WHO, the author studied the major symptoms of sub - health in the troop and proposed the bases of diagnosing and classifying sub - health for the officer and solider. Results: Five types of sub - health were established. Conclusion; It provided reliable methods to diagnose sub -health with the establishment of five types of sub - health which can be helpful to improve the validity of intervention.

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