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護理學報 頁數: 3 2007-04-20
摘要: 目的探討一套適合渡海登陸作戰(zhàn)的心理干預方法,減少戰(zhàn)爭神經癥與精神病。方法演習后采用軍人常見生活事件量表,演習前、中、后采用自擬渡海登陸演習問卷,分別對1 336名模擬渡海登陸作戰(zhàn)官兵進行調查,提出心理干預對策。結果(1)軍人常見生活事件量表總分:33.6%軍官<20分,42.2%軍官>32分;38.0%戰(zhàn)士<20分,35.9%戰(zhàn)士>32分,高于常模值,表明本組官兵精神壓力較大。(2)自擬問卷表結果:對良好心態(tài)持否定態(tài)度的,演習前占77.6%,演習中76.3%,演習后41.5%。說明整個群體承受了較大的精神壓力。結論高技術局部戰(zhàn)爭的心理戰(zhàn)有著不可低估的殺傷威力,應對參戰(zhàn)官兵進行有效的心理干預和針對性健康教育,以增強其心理承受力,調動主觀能動性,從而保障戰(zhàn)斗力。
Objective To explore a series of psychological intervention for sea-crossing landing operations to decrease neurosis and psychosis.Methods The Army Daily Life Event Scale Questionnaires were used to investigate 1 336 officers and soldiers in sea-crossing landing maneuver to understand their mental characteristics before,during and after maneuver.Then mental interventional measures were employed on them.Results(1)By Army Daily Life Event Scale Questionnaires,33.6% of officers were scored less than 20,42.2% of them more than 32,38.0% of soldiers less than 20 and 35.9% of soldiers more than 32,all falling beyond the norm,indicating the officers and soldiers took greater pressure mentally.(2)The self-designed questionnaire survey showed 77.6% of the officers and soldiers before maneuver,76.3% during maneuver and 41.5% after maneuver were negative in taking a better mental attitude,indicating all of them took great mental pressure.Conclusion The psychological warfare at local hi-tech war renders great influence on soldiers and officers.It is necessary to perform mental intervention over the soldiers and officers at war.Pertinent instruction for them is a need to strengthen them against the pressure and stimulate their activeness so as to ensure the battle effectiveness.

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