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現(xiàn)代預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 2 2007-03-25
摘要: [目的]調(diào)查坑道空氣真菌污染的形成,探討其對(duì)人體健康的不利影響,為特殊情況下進(jìn)駐坑道采取預(yù)防措施提供科學(xué)依據(jù)。[方法]用撞擊法檢測(cè)坑道空氣真菌數(shù),同時(shí)檢測(cè)微小氣候。根據(jù)真菌菌落形態(tài)特征及生長(zhǎng)結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行菌種鑒定。[結(jié)果]通道和房間的真菌數(shù)分別為5985cfu/m3及9548cfu/m3,與對(duì)照組比較差異均有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(P﹤0.01),且房間明顯高于通道(P﹤0.01)。[結(jié)論]坑道空氣真菌污染嚴(yán)重,長(zhǎng)期暴露于嚴(yán)重污染空氣中,將對(duì)人體健康造成不利影響,這些真菌能侵入機(jī)體造成真菌感染,以呼吸系統(tǒng)病變和變態(tài)反應(yīng)為主,應(yīng)給予足夠重視。
[Objective]To provide scientific basis for adopting correct precaution in special situation by researching the generation of mycetes contamination in the air in tunnel and its hazard to human health.[Methods]The mycetes in the air in tunnel were counted with the method of knock-on and were identified according to their colonial morphology and construction.The microclimate in tunnel was detected too.[Results]The mycetes in corridors and rooms were 5 985 cfu/m3 and 9 548 cfu/m3 respectively,which were higher than those in the control group(P﹤0.01).And there were more mycetes in rooms than in corridors(P﹤0.01).[Conclusions]The air contamination of mycetes in tunnel is serious and it is harmful to humans who expose to the air for a long time.The mycetes may cause mycetes infection which is mainly characterized by respiratory system pathological changes and allergies,which we should take seriously.

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