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中華老年多器官疾病雜志 頁數(shù): 4 2007-02-28
摘要: 目的探討北京地區(qū)軍隊老年人群中頸動脈粥樣硬化(CAS)和退行性心臟瓣膜病(SDVHD)的患病情況及二者的關(guān)系。方法從北京地區(qū)21個部隊干休所>60歲8202人中隨機分層抽樣820人,行頸動脈及心臟彩色超聲多普勒檢查,計算不同年齡,性別人群中CAS和SDVHD的患病率,分析二者之間的關(guān)系。結(jié)果CAS與SDHVD患病率分別為44.1%和13.4%,患病率隨年齡增加,各年齡段CAS男性患病率均高于女性(P<0.05),頸動脈內(nèi)膜-中膜厚度正常組及CAS組的瓣膜鈣化發(fā)生率分別為10.2%和17.4%(P<0.05)。結(jié)論北京地區(qū)部隊老年人CAS及SDHVD的患病率隨年齡增高,CAS組更易出現(xiàn)心臟瓣膜鈣化。
Objective To investigate the preva le nce of carotid atherosclerosis(CAS)and senile degenerative heart valvular dise ases(SDHVD)and their relationship in military old people in Beijing.Methods 820 individuals aged 60 or above were randomly selected from 820 2 individuals in 21 military cadre retirement centers in Beijing.Each individua l received Doppler echocardiographic examination for observation of the heart a nd carotid artery.The results were used for calculation of the prevalence of an d relationship between CAS and SDHVD.Results The prevalence rate s of CAS and SDHVD among military old people in Beijing were 44.1 % and 13.4%,r espectively,and rose with increasing age.In IMT normal group,the prevalence r ate of valvular calcification was 10.2 %,while in carotid atherosclerosis group,the prevalence rate of valvular calcification was 17.4%.The difference of pr evalence rates of valvular calcification between the two groups was statisticall y significant.Conclusion The prevalence rates of CAS and SDHVD among the military elderly population in Beijing rose with increasing age.Th e fact that carotid atherosclerosis group had higher,prevalence rate of heart v alvular calcification suggested that the two diseases may be related to each oth er.

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