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解放軍醫(yī)院管理雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2007-04-25
摘要: 通過分析空運情況下對傷病員影響的主要因素,提出了傷病員空運后送前醫(yī)學準備的主要要求:維持傷病員生命體征的穩(wěn)定;減少機上醫(yī)療護理操作;處置傷病員使其符合航空環(huán)境要求。指出傷病員空運后送前醫(yī)學準備的主要內(nèi)容包括:對傷病員進行分類,確定其空運后送的順序;對傷病員進行更換敷料、包扎固定等一般性處置;針對不同的傷類、傷部和傷勢進行特殊處置等。
The author analyzed the main influence factors of the sick and wounded by air ferry and proposed the requirements of medicine preparations of evacuation by air ferry,such as maintaining the stabilization of life symptoms,reducing the nursing operation in the plane,and making the sick and wounded to accommodate to aviation condition.Also the contents of nursing and medicine preparation of evacuation for the sick and wounded were discussed:classify the sick and wounded;make sure the evacuation order;make some university and special disposition,etc.

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