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自然雜志 頁數(shù): 4 2007-04-15
摘要: 垂直方向加(減)速運動會對人體產(chǎn)生生理反應。本文首先分析垂直方向加(減)速運動對人體前庭器官的反應;接著,以電梯升降過程為例,對垂直方向的加(減)速運動進行了物理描述,并提出“超重”和“部分失重”的概念;最后,分析人體在超重和部分失重狀態(tài)下心血管功能等的生理反應。
Vertical accelerating or decelerating motion may result in some physiological effects to humans. In this paper, the reactions to vestibulum of ear resulted from vertical accelerating or decelerating motion were analyzed. Then, the motions and the concept of “Hypergravity” and “Hypogravity” were described by taking the ascending and descending period of elevators as an example and using physics knowledge. At last, the physiological effects to cardiovascular system under the circumstances of “Hypergravity” and “Hypogravity ” were also analyzed.

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