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航天醫(yī)學與醫(yī)學工程 頁數(shù): 4 2007-06-15
摘要: 目的觀察啤酒及乙醇對不同劑量γ射線照射小鼠所誘發(fā)的骨髓細胞染色體畸變的影響。方法雄性健康BALB/c小鼠,隨機分成對照組、啤酒組和乙醇稀釋液組,分別用1ml滅菌生理鹽水、啤酒及乙醇稀釋液灌胃。30min后給予不同劑量γ射線1次全身照射。照射后24h頸椎離斷法處死動物(處死前4h按4μg/g體重腹腔注射秋水仙胺),立即取雙側(cè)股骨,進行骨髓細胞常規(guī)染色體制片、染色。每一劑量點選取5個個體進行染色體畸變觀察。每只動物鏡檢分析100個細胞分裂相。結(jié)果啤酒組及乙醇稀釋液組染色體畸變率在照射劑量達0.5Gy以上時明顯降低(P<0.05或P<0.01),其中啤酒組的下降比乙醇稀釋液組更明顯。結(jié)論啤酒中除乙醇以外的其他成份(如酚類化合物等)也發(fā)揮了降低染色體畸變的作用。
Objective To observe effects of beer and ethanol on chromosome aberrations of mouse bone marrow cells induced by various doses of γ ray irradiation.Methods Healthy male BALB/c mice were arranged into control group,beer group and diluted ethanol group.One ml of saline,beer(ethanol content, 4.5 v/v) or diluted ethanol (4.5 v/v) were administered orally to the three groups respectively.Thirty minutes later, the animals were given whole-body irradiation with various doses of γ ray. The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation 24 h after irradiation.(4 μg/g colchicine was administered to the experimental animals intraperiteonally 4 h before killing).According to routine methods,chromosome slides were made with bone marrow from both femurs. Five mice were used for each dose and 100 metaphases for each animal were observed under microscope.Results When irradiation dose was up to 0.5 Gy, chromosome aberrations induced by irradiation in both beer and ethanol groups decreased obviously(P<0.05 or P<0.01),and more significent effect was found in beer group.Conclusion Beside ethanol,other antioxidant substances,such as phenolic compounds,may account for beer’s activity of reducing chromosome aberrations induced by irradiation.

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