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海軍醫(yī)學(xué)雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2007-03-30
摘要: 目的:調(diào)查電磁輻射環(huán)境對某雷達(dá)站雷達(dá)操作員垂體泌乳素(prolactin,PRL)影響的評估。方法:將在電磁輻射環(huán)境下工作2年以上的某雷達(dá)站37名雷達(dá)操作員為研究組,暴露在非電磁輻射環(huán)境下的34名人員為對照組,抽取2組人員血液檢測PRL。結(jié)果:研究組PRL含量(12.84±2.75)μg/L,而對照組為(7.55±1.61)μg/L,兩組比較差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P<0.01)。結(jié)論:電磁輻射對人體有害,長期暴露在電磁輻射下,可使暴露人員PRL升高。
Objective:To survey the influence of electromagnetic radiation on prolactin(PRL) in radar operators from a radar station.Methods:Participants in this study included 71 radar operators from a naval radar station who were divided into two groups.One was research group in which 37 subjects had exposed to electromagnetic radiation for more than 2 years,and the other one was control group in which 34 subjects had not exposed to electromagnetic radiation.Resulds:The level of prolactin(12.84±2.75)μg/L in research group was higher than that of control group(7.55±1.61) μg/L(P<0.01).Conclusion:This finding reveals that electromagnetic radiation is harmful to our body.Level of prolactin of person will heighten if he has exposed to electromagnetic radiation for a long time.

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