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華南國防醫(yī)學雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2008-02-28
摘要: 目的探討衛(wèi)生運輸船醫(yī)療布局的合理設置。方法根據(jù)目前醫(yī)院船的實際情況,設置兩種醫(yī)療布局模式,實施模擬演練,由參演醫(yī)護人員和專家評估篩選適合衛(wèi)生運輸船的醫(yī)療布局模式。結果專家和多數(shù)醫(yī)護人員選擇了模式二的醫(yī)療布局。結論模式二的醫(yī)療布局符合衛(wèi)生運輸船傷員救治的特點,比較簡單實用。
Objective To explore how to reasonably deploy the medical treatment region on medical evacuation ship.MethodsTwo models of medical treatment region were simulated according to the layout of hospital ship.Medical staff and experts were invited to evaluate the models and select a reasonable model.ResultsMost medical staff and all experts selected the second model.ConclusionThe second model is considered as brief,useful and more suitable concerning the speciality of wounded treatment on medical evacuation ship.

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