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航天醫(yī)學(xué)與醫(yī)學(xué)工程 頁數(shù): 5 2008-06-15
摘要: 目的探討電離輻射對螺旋藻生長的影響,為今后螺旋藻在受控生態(tài)生保系統(tǒng)中的應(yīng)用奠定基礎(chǔ)。方法利用~(60)Co-γ射線輻射源對螺旋藻藻絲體進(jìn)行不同劑量的輻照處理,然后對不同處理進(jìn)行相同條件下的再培養(yǎng),通過觀察不同處理間的藻體生長狀況、藻絲體形態(tài)變化,以及測定藻液的光密度值變化、藻體的光合放氧效率和其它營養(yǎng)生理等指標(biāo),考察螺旋藻抗~(60)Co-γ射線輻射的能力。結(jié)果螺旋藻受~(60)Co-γ射線輻照后,其生長速率、光合放氧效率、藻絲體長度以及其它營養(yǎng)生理指標(biāo)均在一定程度上受到影響,但螺旋藻具有較強的抗輻射和自修復(fù)能力,其半致死輻射劑量為2.0kGy。結(jié)論螺旋藻具有一定的抗輻射能力,可作為今后受控生態(tài)生保系統(tǒng)關(guān)鍵生物部件的優(yōu)先研究對象。
Objective A foundation for one of the biological components,Spirulina,to be applied in Controlled Ecological Life Support System(CELSS)would be laid with exploring effects of ionization radiation on the growth of Spirulina.Methods By using the γ-rays of ~(60)Co,Spirulina were irradiated.The dose of the ionization radiation covered 0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0 kGy.After irradiated,these Spirulina were cultured under the same conditions.The growth state,shape change,photodensity change,photosynthetic efficiency(O2 produced),and trophic physiological indexes of Spirulina or its solution,were observed,measured and analyzed.Its anti-irradiation ability was investigated.Results After irradiared with ~(60)Co ray,the growth rate,photosynthetic O2 produced efficiency,length of fila and other trophic physiological indexes were all affected in certain degree,but as compared to the higher plants,Spirulina have stronger radiation proof and self-rehabilitation capacity.Even if under high radiation condition(3.0 kGy),there was no complete death of cells,and the dose resulted in 50% death of the Spirulina was 2.0 kGy.Conclusion Spirulina has stronger ionization radiation proof and self-rehabilitation capacity,it can be considered as one of the key biological components in CELSS for future long-term space missions.

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