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醫(yī)療器械庫要做供應鏈中樞 訪解放軍總醫(yī)院器械庫主任杜顯峰

中國醫(yī)院院長 頁數(shù): 4 2009-03-01
摘要: <正>愿意成為我們第三方物流商的機構(gòu)必須要進行物流的規(guī)模化改造,與我們建立一種長期的合作伙伴關(guān)系,因為事關(guān)重要,我們的選擇是慎之又慎?!棚@峰醫(yī)院與第三方物流商的緊密合作是構(gòu)筑供應鏈管理的關(guān)鍵點。
Supply Chain Management could cut much unnecessary loss.If information could be transferred between the clinic department and the supplier,the supplier could add the products or arrange the producing and storing by themselves,which could help hospitals save the cost of storing and shipping,and ordering.

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