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現(xiàn)代醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生 頁數(shù): 2 2009-10-15
摘要: 目的:探討地震災(zāi)害醫(yī)療救援的組織指揮工作。方法:回顧分析汶川地震綿陽震區(qū)的醫(yī)療救援工作的總體安排和組織工作。結(jié)果:綿陽在汶川地震醫(yī)療救援中轉(zhuǎn)運、救治大批傷員,成就了救援組織工作的"綿陽模式"。結(jié)論:分級統(tǒng)一救治是災(zāi)害救援的基本模式,但是需要根據(jù)災(zāi)害類別、傷亡情況、當?shù)匦l(wèi)生資源損失情況或救援相關(guān)物質(zhì)儲備以及地質(zhì)交通等情況形成醫(yī)療救援相應(yīng)的、具體的組織、實施形式。
Objective:To explore the general organizing and administering principles of medical rescue net after earthquake.Methods:The data of medical remedy of three grade in Mian yang earthquake zone after Wenchuan earthquake was reviewed retrospectively.Results:The "Mianyang" mode of earthquake remedy rescued a great of casualties after Wenchuan earthquake.Conclusion:The remedy mode of three grade must be suit to practical condition,including category of disaster,amount of casualties,degree of injury,potential of rescue and basic condition in earthquake zone.

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