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解放軍醫(yī)院管理雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2009-05-30
摘要: 2008年5月初,東南亞某國遭受強熱帶風暴襲擊,造成巨大破壞。醫(yī)院按上級要求緊急抽組一支醫(yī)療隊實施醫(yī)療救援。在嚴密分析當?shù)蒯t(yī)療救援行動特點的基礎(chǔ)上,認真做好人員選派、關(guān)系協(xié)調(diào)、物資籌措、應(yīng)急培訓(xùn)等方面的準備,僅用2天時間,就完成抽組醫(yī)療隊的各項準備,為醫(yī)療隊順利完成任務(wù)打下了堅實基礎(chǔ)。
In early May,2008,a strong cyclone struck a Southeast Asian nation and resulted in immense damage.Our hospital was requested to send an emergent medical unit to assist the rescue work in the disaster-stricken area.After careful study of the specific local conditions for carrying out such work,we made meticulous preparation ranging from selecting capable medical professionals to coordinating the operation and from allocating resources to staff training.Within only 2 days,we have completed all preparations for forming the team,laying a solid foundation for a successful mission.

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