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解放軍醫(yī)院管理雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2009-05-30
摘要: 在"5.12"汶川地震中,醫(yī)院奉命派出了3支醫(yī)療隊緊急趕赴災區(qū)實施醫(yī)療救援。本文總結了該院參加此次醫(yī)療救援的做法和特點,探討了軍隊衛(wèi)勤力量參加抗震救災的特點與作用,提出了實施軍地融合式協(xié)同指揮、加強信息化建設和合理配置衛(wèi)生資源等建議。
In the "5.12" Sichuan earthquake,three medical teams were ordered to execute medical rescue in the disaster area.In this article,the practice of medical rescue executed by the hospital was summarized firstly.Then,the feature and role of military medical force in anti-earthquake and rescue were explored.Finally,the suggestions such as integrated cooperation and command,information construction and reasonable equipment with medical resource,were proposed.

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