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中國數(shù)字醫(yī)學 頁數(shù): 3 2010-07-15
摘要: 針對軍隊數(shù)字化醫(yī)院建設與發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,從技術層面闡述了數(shù)字化醫(yī)院醫(yī)療業(yè)務平臺、醫(yī)療服務平臺、管理支持平臺、內(nèi)部溝通平臺和信息共享平臺的構建要素及目標體系,并就現(xiàn)階段加強基礎信息系統(tǒng)升級、電子病歷框架設計、集成標準制定和軍人電子病歷共享試點等方面,探討了需要把握的幾項重點任務。
Aiming at the fact of military digital hospital' s construction and development,it technically expatiates the construction elements and target systems of digital hospital' s medical business platform,medical service platform, management support platform,internal communication platform,and information sharing platform,and discusses the key duties required to be seized from some aspects on the present stage,such as enhancement of the basic information system upgrade,frame design of electronic medical records,promulgation of integration standard,and experiment of electronic medical record sharing for armyman,etc.

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