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中國數(shù)字醫(yī)學 頁數(shù): 3 2010-09-15
摘要: 通過對醫(yī)保政策的分析研究,建立了醫(yī)?;疬\行監(jiān)管的指標體系,并采用計算機對各指標進行監(jiān)控,從系統(tǒng)角度解決當前軍隊醫(yī)院各層次人員在醫(yī)?;鹗褂霉芾頉Q策時存在的信息滯后、決策依據(jù)不足、決策信息不準及管理措施落后等問題;使醫(yī)保基金得到了合理應用,實現(xiàn)了參保人、醫(yī)院和醫(yī)保管理機構(gòu)三方滿意的目標。
Index system of medical insurance operation supervision is constructed through analysis and research of medical insurance policies and each index is monitored by computers.Problems such as information lag,lack of evidence in decision,incorrect of decision information and backward management measurements in using,managing and deciding of medical insurance fund by all levels of people of military hospital are solved from the angle of system. Medical insurance fund is therefore used reasonably,resulting in a tri-satisfying goal for the insured people,hospital and medical insurance management organization.

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