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中國(guó)數(shù)字醫(yī)學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 3 2011-12-15
摘要: 通過(guò)對(duì)本區(qū)內(nèi)主要城市醫(yī)保政策的分析研究,建立一套能滿足醫(yī)?;疬\(yùn)行監(jiān)管需要的指標(biāo)元和指標(biāo)集,并以此建立監(jiān)管指標(biāo)元的元指標(biāo)資源庫(kù)即醫(yī)保基金運(yùn)行監(jiān)管信息系統(tǒng)的指標(biāo)字典,實(shí)現(xiàn)計(jì)算機(jī)對(duì)各指標(biāo)的監(jiān)控,解決了軍隊(duì)醫(yī)院各層次人員在地方醫(yī)?;鹗褂霉芾頃r(shí)存在的信息滯后、信息不準(zhǔn)、決策依據(jù)不足及管理措施落后等問(wèn)題。
Indicator element and indicator set have been established to meet the regulatory needs of medical insurance funds run by analysis medical insurance policy.At the same time,it is established that indicator dictionarys of medical nsurance fund use regulatory information system based on indicator element and achieved computer monitoring.It is solved the problem that decision-making information delay,decision information is inaccurate,insufficient basis for decision making and management measures behind in the use of the health insurance fund management for staffs at all levels of military hospital.

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