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中國數(shù)字醫(yī)學(xué) 頁數(shù): 4 2012-01-15
摘要: 基于"軍字一號"工程,采用QlikView研發(fā)平臺,對軍隊醫(yī)院海量衛(wèi)生資源數(shù)據(jù),應(yīng)用軟件智能方法,進(jìn)行多要素的深度和廣度分析,建立系統(tǒng)邏輯模型和物理模型,實現(xiàn)醫(yī)院衛(wèi)生資源信息挖掘應(yīng)用和指揮機關(guān)輔助決策支持。
Basing on the project of "No.l Military",used QlikView development platforms,this article applicants the methods of software agents to analysis mass of data of health resources deeply and widely,building the logical and physical models of this system to realize health resources mining applications of the hospital and decision support of command authority.

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