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中國數(shù)字醫(yī)學 頁數(shù): 4 2012-07-15
摘要: 目的:研究遠程生理參數(shù)監(jiān)測在高原衛(wèi)生保障的作用、傳輸方法和應用模式。方法:在高原偏遠的基層醫(yī)療單位,實時監(jiān)測低負荷或佩戴式的生理參數(shù),通過遠程網(wǎng)絡,專門醫(yī)學診斷結(jié)構(gòu)或三甲醫(yī)院可長時間、動態(tài)地監(jiān)測病人多種生理參數(shù),并將診斷結(jié)果返回到基層衛(wèi)生單位。結(jié)果:建立了基層醫(yī)療單位和專門醫(yī)療機構(gòu)的診斷網(wǎng)絡,可以實時監(jiān)測診斷高原常見病的基本生理參數(shù),診斷報告回饋方便及時。結(jié)論:遠程監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)可使高原地區(qū)病人得到專門醫(yī)療機構(gòu)的服務,有利于培訓基層衛(wèi)生隊醫(yī)生的醫(yī)療技能,降低病人后送和運輸成本,提高基層單位的設(shè)備使用率。
Objective:To study the remote monitoring of physiological parameters in the plateau of health protection function, transmission method and application mode.Methods:In the plateau remote primary health care units,real-time monitoring of low load or wearable physiological parameters,through a remote network,specialized medical diagnosis or hospital for a long time, dynamic monitoring of the patient of multiple physiological parameters,and the diagnosis result is returned to the basic health unit. Results:Establish a basic medical units and specialized medical institutions in the diagnosis of network,real-time monitoring and diagnosis of diseases of the basic physiological parameters,feedback to facilitate timely diagnosis report.Conclusions:The remote monitoring system can make the plateau patients receive specialized medical services,the benefit of training of grassroots health team doctor's medical skills,patient evacuation and reduce transportation cost,improve the grass-roots units of the equipment using rate.

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