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中國數(shù)字醫(yī)學 頁數(shù): 4 2013-07-15
摘要: 目的:探討"醫(yī)云工程"復合型人才培養(yǎng)的必要性和重要性,提出其人才隊伍建設的相關(guān)要求和建議。方法:剖析"醫(yī)云工程"復合型人才的基本特征,研究其能力素質(zhì)的具體要求和人才隊伍建設模式。結(jié)果:通過加快人才工作體制機制創(chuàng)新,建立健全各項培養(yǎng)制度,積極開展好各種崗位培訓,使"醫(yī)云工程"復合型人才具有清晰的建設思路、過硬的業(yè)務技能、出色的管理方法、強大的學習能力、良好的創(chuàng)新心理。結(jié)論:大力培養(yǎng)"醫(yī)云工程"復合型人才是提高"醫(yī)云工程"建設水平和管理能力的迫切需要,是促進"醫(yī)云工程"持續(xù)健康發(fā)展的基礎條件,應加快現(xiàn)有人才知識結(jié)構(gòu)與專業(yè)能力的自我轉(zhuǎn)型和提升,造就一批具有自主創(chuàng)新能力、處于世界前沿水平的醫(yī)院信息化建設領軍人才。
Objective:Discuss about necessity and importance of compound talents cultivation of Medical Cloud Project,and give relevant requirements and suggestions on talent team construction.Method:Analyze the basic characteristics of compound talents in Medical Cloud Project,and study specific requirements of their abilities and quality and talent team construction mode.Results:By speeding up the talent system and mechanism innovation,training systems are established and improved,and various on-the-job trainings are actively provided,so diat compound talents of Medical Cloud Project have clear construction thoughts,good business skills,excellent management methods,strong learning ability and good innovation idea.Conclusion:Cultivation of compound talents for Medical Cloud Project is urgently required by improvement of construction level and management ability of Medical Cloud Project.It is the basic condition to promote the sustained and healthy development of Medical Cloud Project.Self transformation and upgrade of the existing knowledge structure and professional capacity of talents shall be accelerated,so as to cultivate a group of leading talents for hospital information construction with independent innovation ability leading the world.

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