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經(jīng)濟(jì)管理 頁(yè)數(shù): 15 2018-12-15
摘要: 在線短租將個(gè)人閑置房屋通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)匹配給有住宿需要的游客,使有限的資源得以髙效利用。這種新型的住宿形式不僅為游客帶來了個(gè)性化體驗(yàn),為房東創(chuàng)造了利潤(rùn),也為旅游住宿服務(wù)業(yè)注入了新的活力。為了揭示游客選擇在線短租動(dòng)機(jī)的一般性與特殊性,本文借助網(wǎng)絡(luò)爬蟲技術(shù),通過抓取愛彼迎(Airbnb)在線短租平臺(tái)上的游客的在線評(píng)論數(shù)據(jù),運(yùn)用內(nèi)容分析法對(duì)上述在線評(píng)論文本進(jìn)行了細(xì)致的分析,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn):(1)游客在選擇在線短租時(shí)具有與選擇傳統(tǒng)酒店相似的一般性動(dòng)機(jī),他們非常關(guān)注房源的"價(jià)格實(shí)惠性、環(huán)境優(yōu)越性、服務(wù)友好性、設(shè)施舒適性、住宿保障性";(2)游客選擇在線短租的動(dòng)機(jī)也有其特殊性,包含了類家性、社交性和原真性三大類動(dòng)機(jī)。綜合來看,本文的研究結(jié)果不僅為豐富和發(fā)展在線短租理論夯實(shí)了基礎(chǔ),而且為提升在線短租經(jīng)營(yíng)與管理效果提供了理論依據(jù)。
Home-sharing accommodation matches private vacant houses to the tourists who have accommodation needs and wants through the network,and as a result,these vacant houses can be effectively utilized.As a new form of accommodation with internet plus,home-sharing accommodation not only provides visitors with a series of unique and personalized experiences,but also creates profits for all landlords.In fact,home-sharing accommodation injects a new vitality into the tourism industry.It is a remarkable fact that home-sharing accommodation is centering residential services which are concentrating on more family atmosphere,more profound humanistic feelings and making some like-minded friends.That is to say,while tourists who want to choose home-sharing accommodation,they not only pay attention to the traditional accommodation needs,but also pursuit the tourism experiences on a deeper level.To some extents,these needs and wants make tourists' motivations in decision-making of home-sharing accommodation more multi-dimensional.As literature review shows that,previous studies might be able to summarize tourists' general motivations in decision-making of home-sharing accommodation based on traditional accommodation conditions,as well as to summarize those specific motivations of home-sharing accommodation which are different from other forms of travel accommodation.However,the results in present studies are not only dispersive,but also unsystematic.Meanwhile,these studies mainly use qualitative method,and there are few of quantitative studies.Therefore,to discover the generality and particularity of tourists' motivations in decision-making of home-sharing accommodation becomes necessary.And then,web crawling technology is used to grab online comments from the Airbnb home-sharing accommodation platform,and content analysis method is used to analyze these data generated by visitors themselves.Finally,two main results have been found as follows.On the one hand,while tourists want to choose home-sharing accommodation,they have some general motivations which is similar to those motivations arising in the choice of traditional hotels,and these general motivations are concerned with attributes of a vacant house such as accommodation price,environment,service attitude,accommodation facilities,as well as safety and hygiene.On the other hand,there are some specific motivations in decision-making of home-sharing accommodation.As a whole,there are three forms of motivations such as home-like,interaction and authenticity.Firstly,home-like enables tourists to have the atmosphere as warm as a home in the process of living the home-sharing accommodation.Secondly,interaction reveals that tourists hope to improve people-to-people interactions and obtain all sorts of travel guides and suggestions when the landlord and tourist live together and share one living space.Thirdly,authenticity reflects that home-sharing accommodation offers tourists an opportunity to appreciate local history,customs and life styles as a native.In a comprehensive view,all results of this research lay a solid foundation to enrich and develop the theory of home-sharing accommodation.In order to make future research more scientific and persuasive,a general framework is sets up to explore the consumptive characteristics of tourists in decision-making of home-sharing accommodation.As a result,this framework can help landlords and home-sharing accommodation platforms to make targeted marketing strategy more effectively and efficiently.

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