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廣西民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 頁數: 9 2018-11-15
摘要: 選取知名網紅店喜茶作為案例,通過爬取大眾點評網上110 204條有效評論,挖掘網紅型創(chuàng)業(yè)企業(yè)網絡口碑中的核心要素,剖析其對消費者購買行為的影響。研究發(fā)現,產品和消費者是此類創(chuàng)業(yè)企業(yè)網絡口碑中的兩大主題,其中涉及產品的要素包括產品概況、硬件設施、管理服務、產品價格、地理區(qū)位及產品營銷;而涉及消費者的要素則包括消費行為、消費心理、產品評價、同伴關系和購買時間等。研究結論從感知效應和說服效應兩方面分別將各類要素進行區(qū)分并構建網絡口碑效應的過程分析模型。
Taking HEYTEA as an example of internet celebrity ventures,this paper obtains 110,204 effective online comments from www.dianping.com by Python,discusses key elements of e-word-of-mouth and analyzes its influence on the consumer behavior,in order to provide new insights for entrepreneurship in ethnic regions.Results indicate that "product" and "consumer" are two major topics and they both consist of several factors.To be specific,the product topic includes product profile,facilities,management,price,geographical location and marketing,while the consumption topic includes consumer behavior,consumer psychology,product evaluation,peers and purchase time,etc.The conclusion is delivered by two aspects:perception effect and persuasion effect,and a framework of effects of e-word-of-mouth is proposed.Implications on entrepreneurship in ethnic regions are discussed.

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