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湖南師范大學(xué)自然科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 7 2019-01-05 09:10
摘要: 利用GIS軟件分析了2005—2016年上海市漢庭連鎖酒店的時(shí)空分布特征及擴(kuò)散模式,結(jié)果表明:(1)時(shí)序變化:漢庭酒店的階段性特征明顯,可分為緩慢發(fā)展、鞏固發(fā)展和全面鋪開(kāi)3個(gè)階段,酒店與客房數(shù)量年均增長(zhǎng)率均快速上升.(2)空間分布:漢庭酒店分布范圍越來(lái)越廣,分布方向趨勢(shì)逐步不明顯,分布重心向西南方向擴(kuò)展;不同時(shí)期酒店空間集聚特征差異顯著,分布密度呈現(xiàn)主城區(qū)相對(duì)密集,郊縣相對(duì)稀疏的格局;各區(qū)酒店增長(zhǎng)速度差異明顯,增速較快的區(qū)經(jīng)歷由浦東新區(qū)和徐匯區(qū)到閔行區(qū)再到浦東新區(qū)的變化過(guò)程,且以主城區(qū)為中心向外圍呈梯度遞減,分布格局向相對(duì)分散的方向發(fā)展;品牌分布上,中端酒店分布轄區(qū)較少,經(jīng)濟(jì)型酒店則分布廣泛.(3)擴(kuò)散模式:2005—2008年,2009—2012年和2013—2016年3個(gè)階段的擴(kuò)散模式依次為點(diǎn)-軸遷移擴(kuò)散模式、沿市內(nèi)交通干線擴(kuò)散模式和向主城區(qū)由郊縣擴(kuò)散模式.總體特征表現(xiàn)為以接觸擴(kuò)散為主,等級(jí)擴(kuò)散為輔;借助電商平臺(tái),迅速擴(kuò)張市場(chǎng);擴(kuò)大企業(yè)規(guī)模,發(fā)展多元品牌.
This paper uses GIS software to analyze the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics and diffusion model of Hanting chain hotels in Shanghai. The results show that,firstly,the stage characteristics are obvious,which can be divided into three stages: slow development,consolidate development and full scale expansion. The annual average growth rates of hotels and guest rooms are rising rapidly. Secondly,the spatial correlation results show that the distribution scope is more and more wide,the distribution direction is becoming less obvious,and the distribution center of gravity extends southwest. The characteristics of hotel space agglomeration are different in different periods. Kernel density analysis shows that the distribution pattern shows the urban area is relatively dense,suburban relatively sparse first. The faster-growing district experienced changes from Pudong new district and Xuhui district to Minhang district and back to Pudong new district. Urban and suburban distribution is uneven. It shows the distribution of gradient decreasing from the main city to suburban county. From the point of view of brand distribution,the medium hotel is less distributed,while economy hotel is widely distributed. Thirdly,each sub period diffusion model has its own characteristics. From 2005 to 2008,it is the point axis diffusion model. From 2009 to2012,the hotel spreads along the city's main arterial road. From 2013 to 2016,the hotel spreads from the main city to the suburban areas in massive expansion. The overall characteristics are mainly based on contact proliferation,supplemented by grade diffusion,rapid expansion of the market through the e-commerce platform,expansion of business scale,and development of multi-brands.

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