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遼寧大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 頁數: 8 2018-05-15
摘要: 服務業(yè)已成為推動經濟結構優(yōu)化升級與國民經濟發(fā)展的重要引導力量。文章綜合運用計量方法對長春市服務業(yè)發(fā)展進行了科學績效評價,并對其優(yōu)化發(fā)展路徑進行了系統闡述。結果表明:傳統服務業(yè)在服務業(yè)內部占有較大比重,但未來重要性逐漸下降;現代服務業(yè)所占比重過低,但發(fā)展?jié)摿薮?生產性服務業(yè)在服務業(yè)中占據絕對領導地位,并且生產性服務業(yè)主要來源于傳統的批發(fā)業(yè)和零售業(yè)的貢獻,發(fā)展水平偏低;新興服務業(yè)呈現分散式布局,且發(fā)展緩慢。文章最后提出了長春市服務業(yè)科學發(fā)展的優(yōu)化路徑。
Service industry has become an important guiding force to promote the optimization and upgrading of national structure and to develop national economy. In this paper, scientific performance evaluation is carried out to evaluate the service industry development of Changchun with comprehensive measurement methods and systematically illustrate its optimization path. The major findings are as follows. The traditional service industry occupies a large proportion of service industry, but its importance will be gradually declined in the future; modern service industry has a low proportion, but it enjoys huge potential for development; producer service industry occupies absolute proportion, and it mainly depends on the wholesale and retail industry pulling with underdevelopment. The agglomeration of the emerging service industry is weak, and the development of new forms of service industry is not strong. At last, this paper puts forward the optimization path of the development of service industry in Changchun.

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