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國(guó)際貿(mào)易問(wèn)題 頁(yè)數(shù): 16 2019-05-15
摘要: 本文從生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)的有限貿(mào)易性出發(fā),采取鄰近性指標(biāo)和價(jià)值鏈長(zhǎng)度分別度量生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)的鄰近約束,使用國(guó)際投入產(chǎn)出表WIOD 2016建立分層線性模型,結(jié)論如下:生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)總體上對(duì)下游產(chǎn)業(yè)價(jià)值鏈分工具有顯著的倒U型影響,鄰近約束對(duì)生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)的非線性作用具有顯著影響;在鄰近約束下,生產(chǎn)性支持服務(wù)仍保持正向線性作用,且生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)總體對(duì)簡(jiǎn)單價(jià)值鏈的影響也顯著為正;非"一帶一路"國(guó)家相比"一帶一路"國(guó)家而言,倒U型頂點(diǎn)向右偏移,說(shuō)明收入提升能夠推遲生產(chǎn)性服務(wù)對(duì)價(jià)值鏈分工的負(fù)面影響。
Based on the characteristic of restricted trade of producer services,this study established a hierarchical liner modeling( HLM) with the data of 2016 WIOD international input-output tables and employed the index of proximity and the index of production length to measure the proximity burden of producer services. The following conclusions can be made: Producer services generally exert a significant inverse U-shaped impact on the participation of value chains of manufacturing,and proximity constraints are attributed to such non-linear effects from producer services; With the constraint of proximity constraint,the production support service maintains a linear positive effect on GVCs,and the impact of producer service on the simple global value chain also remains positive in statistical significance; Compared with the Belt and Road( B&R) countries,the inverted U-shaped apex of non B&R countries shifted to the right,indicating that increasing income can delay the negative impact of producer services on the participation of global value chains.

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