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宏觀經濟研究 頁數(shù): 10 2019-04-18
摘要: 本文根據(jù)2004—2016年中國13個服務業(yè)行業(yè)的面板數(shù)據(jù),構建固定效應隨機前沿模型測度服務業(yè)的技術效率,實證分析財政補貼對服務業(yè)技術效率的影響,并采用反事實計量測度財政補貼增長對技術效率提升和產出增長的實際貢獻。研究結果表明:財政補貼對服務業(yè)技術效率具有促進作用,并且對大規(guī)模企業(yè)的效果更為顯著,從而拉大服務業(yè)企業(yè)之間的效率差距;生產性服務業(yè)的技術前沿面和生產率更高,雖然技術效率會造成各行業(yè)之間的生產率差異,但行業(yè)市場機會更具有決定性的因素,效率的改善不足以扭轉服務業(yè)生產率之間的差距;從時間維度來看,財政補貼增長帶來的效率與產出提升程度越來越高。
Based on the panel data of 13 service industries in China from 2004 to 2016,this paper constructs a fixed-effect stochastic frontier model to measure the technical efficiency of the service industry, empirically analyzes the impact of fiscal subsidies on the technical efficiency of the service industry, and use counterfactual measurements to measure the actual contribution of fiscal subsidy growth to technological efficiency and output growth. Research indicates : fiscal subsidies can promote the technical efficiency of service industry,and the effect on large-scale enterprises is more significant,thus widening the efficiency gap between service enterprises; the technological frontier and productivity of the producer service industry are higher, although the technical efficiency will cause productivity differences between industries, the market opportunity of the industry is more decisive,and the improvement of efficiency is not enough to reverse the gap between service industry productivity;from the perspective of time, the efficiency and output improvement brought by the growth of fiscal subsidies is getting higher and higher.

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