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經濟經緯 頁數: 7 2018-12-17 17:08
摘要: 利用WIOD數據庫測度了中國服務業(yè)制造化水平及其產業(yè)績效效應。研究結果顯示:制造化對服務業(yè)產業(yè)績效具有抑制效果,中低技術制造化阻礙服務業(yè)產業(yè)績效改善,高技術制造化促進服務業(yè)產業(yè)績效提升。深入高技術制造化內部發(fā)現(xiàn),以自動化技術為代表的服務業(yè)機械制造化,以ICT技術為代表的服務業(yè)電子信息制造化,均有利于服務業(yè)產業(yè)績效提升,其中以ICT技術為代表的服務業(yè)制造化正向促進作用最大。服務業(yè)應該加大與信息產業(yè)深度融合。服務業(yè)增加對高技術制造業(yè)采購和使用將有助于自身效率改善和轉型升級。
This paper uses the WIOD database to measure the level of service manufacturization and its impact on service performance in China. The results show that manufacturization has a restraining effect on the service performance,in which the manufacturization of low and medium-tech industries inhibits the service performance improvement,while high-tech manufacturization promotes it. An indepth internal examination of high-tech service manufacturization finds that service performance is improved by the manufacturization of service machinery,represented by automation technology,and that of service digital information,represented by ICT,which inserts the greatest positive impact on service manufacturization. Service industry should be more integrated with the information industry in that more purchase and application of high-tech manufacturing will be helpful to the improvement of performance and upgrading of service.

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