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預測 頁數(shù): 7 2018-11-27
摘要: 近年來,自我犧牲型領導成為學者們日益關注的一類領導風格。然而目前已有研究集中于考察該領導風格對員工的影響效果,針對其前因的探討卻極為不足。為彌補該缺陷,本文從人格特質及文化價值觀兩個視角,對其前因進了考察。基于76名領導者及329名員工的有效配對數(shù)據(jù),運用層次回歸分析進行統(tǒng)計檢驗,結果表明:(1)領導者的宜人性、盡責性人格以及集體主義、長期導向文化價值觀對自我犧牲型領導有顯著正向預測效果;(2)領導者的自我犧牲角色知覺在其中發(fā)揮中介作用;(3)環(huán)境不確定性在自我犧牲角色知覺與自我犧牲型領導之間起調節(jié)作用,環(huán)境不確定性較高時,自我犧牲角色知覺與自我犧牲型領導的正向關系顯著,反之,則并不顯著。
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have focused on self-sacrificial leadership. However, previous research focused on investigating the effect of self-sacrificial leadership on employee behaviours, little is known regarding the antecedents of self-sacrificial leadership. The present study seeks to address this research void by examining the influences of personality traits and cultural values of leader. Empirical results based on multi-source field data collected from 76 leaders and 329 employees reveal the following findings. First, personality traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness and cultural values of collectivism and long-term orientation have significant and positive effects on self-sacrificial leadership. Second, leader self-sacrifice role conceptualization is found to mediate the aforementioned effects. Finally, the positive relationship between leader self-sacrifice role conceptualization and self-sacrificial leadership is moderated by environmental uncertainty, such that the relationship is significantly positive only when environmental uncertainty is high rather than when it is low.

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