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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 6 2018-12-20
摘要: 針對屬性權(quán)重信息不完全未知的三角猶豫模糊多屬性決策問題,提出基于一致性指數(shù)的雙向投影決策方法。針對三角猶豫模糊決策信息,給出備選方案與正負理想點形成向量的表達式,利用備選方案與正負理想點一致性變化關(guān)系,構(gòu)建基于一致性指數(shù)的三角猶豫模糊雙向投影測度模型。在此基礎(chǔ)上,建立基于一致性指數(shù)最大化的屬性權(quán)重優(yōu)化模型,通過求解優(yōu)化模型計算權(quán)重。并通過算例說明方法的有效性和可行性。
For multiple attribute decision making problems,in which the attribute weights are unknown incompletely and attribute values take the form of hesitant triangular fuzzy element,a bidirectional projection decision making method based on consistency index is proposed. First,the expressions of vectors among the alternatives,positive-ideal point and negative-ideal point are defined. Then,a bidirectional projection decision making model based on consistency index is proposed,in which the attribute values are in the form of hesitant triangular fuzzy element. Furthermore,an optimization model based on maximizing the consistency index is constructed to obtain the attribute weights. Finally,a numerical example is provided to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.

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