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控制與決策 頁數(shù): 7 2018-05-17 09:22
摘要: 針對匹配主體有限理性的雙邊匹配問題,提出一種基于雙參照點的決策方法.首先,依據(jù)前景理論和社會比較理論,利用主體給出的臨界值設(shè)定個人參照點和社會參照點,計算序值相對于雙參照點的獲得和損失,進而得到主體的綜合益損值;然后,考慮到主體面臨獲得和損失時不同的風(fēng)險態(tài)度,依據(jù)前景理論將主體的綜合益損值進一步轉(zhuǎn)化成刻畫主體滿意程度的感知價值,并在此基礎(chǔ)上,建立以最大化雙邊主體滿意度為目標(biāo)的優(yōu)化模型,求解模型得到最優(yōu)匹配方案;最后,通過算例說明該方法的應(yīng)用.與已有的方法相比,所提出方法兼顧了個人維度和社會維度對主體心理行為的影響,能夠更為全面和靈活地反映出主體的實際感知價值和有限理性特點.
To solve the two-sided matching problem with bounded rationality, we propose a decision-making method based on double reference points. Firstly, according to the theory of prospect and social comparison, we use the critical value given by each agent to set up personal reference point and social reference point, calculate the gain and loss of the ordinal value relative to the double reference points, and get the comprehensive benefit of each agent. Then, considering the different risk attitude of each agent to gain and loss based on the prospect theory, the comprehensive benefit of the agent is further transformed into the perceived value that depicts the satisfaction of the agent. On this basis, an optimization model aiming at maximizing the satisfaction of two-side agents is established, and the optimal matching solution can be obtained by solving this model. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the application of the method. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed method takes into account the influence of the individual dimension and the social dimension on the psychological behavior of the agent, and can reflect the actual perceived value and the bounded rationality characteristics of the agent more comprehensively and flexibly.

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