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統(tǒng)計(jì)與決策 頁數(shù): 5 2019-01-11 16:55
摘要: 針對屬性權(quán)重已知,狀態(tài)概率為區(qū)間數(shù),屬性值為三角模糊數(shù)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)型多屬性決策問題,文章考慮決策者的有限理性,提出了一種基于后悔理論的VIKOR方法:首先將決策矩陣進(jìn)行規(guī)范化處理,基于后悔理論得到后悔感知決策矩陣;分別計(jì)算最大群體效用值和最小個(gè)體遺憾值;然后依據(jù)決策機(jī)制系數(shù)得到最終的評價(jià)指標(biāo)值,并通過構(gòu)建指標(biāo)值最小化的優(yōu)化模型來求解點(diǎn)概率向量,從而得到最終的方案排序結(jié)果。最后給出了具體算例說明VIKOR方法的可行性和實(shí)用性。
Aiming at the problem of the risk-type multi-attribute decision-making with attribute weight to be known, state probability as interval number and attribute value as triangular fuzzy number, this paper considers the finite rationality of the decision maker(DM), and proposes a VIKOR method based on the regret theory: First, the decision matrix is normalized and regret perception decision matrix is obtained based on regret theory; maximum group utility value and minimum individual regret value are calculated respectively; and then the final evaluation index value is obtained according to the coefficient of decision mechanism, and the point probability vector is solved by constructing the optimization model of the index value minimization, so as to obtain the final scheme ordering result. Finally, the paper offers an example to illustrate the feasibility and practicability of VIKOR method.

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