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交通運輸系統(tǒng)工程與信息 頁數(shù): 8 2019-02-15
摘要: 屬性間的關(guān)聯(lián)性破壞了獨立多屬性決策信息的測度可加性,為了更客觀地反映決策者的決策意圖,更準確地融合決策信息,同時提升算子對決策屬性的描述能力,定義了三角猶豫直覺模糊數(shù)新的比較規(guī)則,引入模糊測度及Choquet積分定義了三角猶豫直覺模糊關(guān)聯(lián)有序加權(quán)幾何平均算子(R-THIOWGA),并構(gòu)建了R-THIOWGA的數(shù)學(xué)模型,證明了R-THIOWGA冪等性、有序單調(diào)性、有界性等算子性質(zhì).以R-THIOWGA集成算子為基礎(chǔ),提出了模糊關(guān)聯(lián)多屬性問題群決策方法,并應(yīng)用于我國海軍遠海維修保障平臺選型的算例分析.研究結(jié)果表明,應(yīng)用R-THIOWGA算子及基于R-THIOWGA的群決策方法解決模糊關(guān)聯(lián)多屬性決策問題是可行的、有效的.
Relevance among the attributes destroys the additive measure in decision-making with independent fuzzy multiple attributes. In order to express the intention of decision makers and integrate the information of decision more accurately, and improve the ability of the operator to describe the decision attributes, a new comparison rule of the triangular hesitate intuitionistic fuzzy number is presented in this paper, and a related triangular hesitate intuitionistic ordered weighted geometric average(R-THIOWGA) operator is constructed based on the fuzzy measure and Choquet integral. And then the characters, like idempotence, ordered monotonicity and boundedness of the R-THIOWGA are proven. A group decision-making method for questions with related fuzzy multiple attributes is proposed based on the R-THIOWGA and then analysis in a practical application. The results show that the R-THIOWGA operator and the group decision making method are effective and feasible in solving decision making problems with related fuzzy multiple attributes.

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