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系統(tǒng)管理學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 9 2019-03-27 14:27
摘要: 針對(duì)屬性值為不確定語(yǔ)言,屬性權(quán)重為部分已知或完全未知的多屬性決策問(wèn)題,提出一種新的決策方法。運(yùn)用前景理論計(jì)算出每個(gè)屬性的二元語(yǔ)義前景值,建立二元語(yǔ)義前景決策矩陣。在考慮主、客觀影響因素的基礎(chǔ)上,構(gòu)建屬性權(quán)重優(yōu)化模型,得到屬性的綜合權(quán)重。基于區(qū)間二元語(yǔ)義對(duì)MULTIMOORA進(jìn)行擴(kuò)展,并對(duì)方案進(jìn)行排序。在此基礎(chǔ)上,運(yùn)用占優(yōu)理論得到方案的最終排序。最后,通過(guò)算例驗(yàn)證了該方法的可行性與有效性。
For the multi-attribute decision making problem in which the attribute values are uncertain language and the attribute weights are incomplete or completely unknown, a novel decision making method is proposed. At first, the prospect decision matrix is established according to the computation of the 2-tuple linguistic prospect value of each attribute. The attribute weights optimization model is constructed considering the objective and subjective influencing factors. The attribute weights can be computed using this model. Then, the MULTIMOORA is extended based on the interval 2-tuple linguistic terms, by which the alternatives are ranked, based on which, the final ranking of alternatives is obtained according to the dominance theory. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the feasiblity and effectiveness of the method proposed.

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