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東北師大學報(哲學社會科學版) 頁數(shù): 8 2019-05-01
摘要: 盡管越來越多的西方領導力研究開始重新思考領導力與身體的關系問題,但并未明確具身性因素對領導力有何影響又如何影響的問題。這是理解、應用具身領導力的關鍵問題。從具身認知理論出發(fā),在本體論、認識論、方法論層面挑戰(zhàn)主流領導力理論的理論根基,領導力可以被解釋為一種領導與追隨者之間具身性的交互實踐過程。可以從幾個方面理解,首先,身體在最基本的感知覺層面直接影響著領導與被領導的感知覺經(jīng)驗,而這是形成領導關系、建構領導力的關鍵前提,影響著領導者或追隨者對于領導過程的融入意愿、程度等。另一方面,伴隨著感覺和知覺經(jīng)驗層面的影響,會形成相應的具身性領導知識,利于領導者認識、把握領導過程中不可見、不可觸摸的一面。其次,身體的在場體驗影響領導實踐中的自我意識、人際交往與溝通、問題解決、身份認同、意義建構等關鍵問題。具身性因素對領導的影響可通過三種方式實現(xiàn):生理—物理的方式,情境與情境行動的方式,隱喻。在更深層次上,這些影響方式有著特定的心理機制基礎。具身性是領導力的一種基本特性,力圖從身體出發(fā)更完整地去把握領導力及其本質(zhì)。
Although more and more western researches on leadership begin to rethink the relation between body and leadership,it is still uncertain what influence body can have on leadership and how body influences leadership,which is the key to understand and use the embodied leadership.From the perspective of Embodied Cognition theory,challenging the theoretical foundation of the mainstream leadership theories at the levels of ontology,epistemology and methodology,this thesis considers leadership as an embodied interaction process between the leader and the followers.First,body,at the most basic level of sensory perception,immediately influences the sensory perception experience of the leader as well as the followers,which is the key premise to construct leadership,and also influences the leaders and the followersintention and degree of integration into the leading process.Second,with the influence of the experience of sense and perception,the knowledge of embodied leadership would be acquired,which would help to the leader understand and grasp the invisible and intangible aspects of leadership.Third,the presence experience of body influences the leaders self-consciousness,interpersonal communication,problem solving,identity recognition,meaning construction,etc.The influence of embodied factors on the leader is realized through three ways:biological-physical way,situation and situational act,metaphor.On a deeper level,the ways of those effects are based on a particular psychological mechanism.In general,embodiment is one of the fundamental natures of leadership,which starts from body,aims to completely grasp the leadership and its nature.

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