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統(tǒng)計(jì)與決策 頁(yè)數(shù): 5 2019-04-10 17:32
摘要: 文章提出了一種基于決策者偏好靶心的混合屬性廣義灰靶決策方法。給出了該方法的決策原理及步驟,并建立了相應(yīng)的模型分析決策者偏好的靶心對(duì)決策方案的影響。分析結(jié)果表明,決策者偏好所決定的靶心對(duì)決策方案存在著影響,但由于所采用的是基于向量的運(yùn)算方法,決策方案受決策者偏好靶心影響的程度及方向存在著不確定性。最后通過(guò)算例分析驗(yàn)證了所提方法的可行性。
This paper proposes a hybrid-attribute generalized grey target decision-making method with the target partially determined by decision maker's preference. In the paper, the decision-making principle and procedure of this method are given,and a corresponding model is established to analyze the influence of target's preference on the decision-making scheme. The results show that the target determined by decision maker's preference has influence on the decision scheme, but as the vector-based algorithm is adopted, the degree and direction of the decision scheme affected by the decision maker's preference for target are uncertain. Finally, an example is given to verify the feasibility of the proposed method.

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