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中國人民大學學報 頁數: 14 2020-01-16
摘要: 衛(wèi)興華教授一生致力于馬克思主義政治經濟學基本原理、社會主義經濟理論及中國特色社會主義政治經濟學理論體系的研究與思考,為馬克思主義政治經濟學中國化做出了重要貢獻。衛(wèi)興華的經濟思想和學術貢獻集中體現在以下幾個方面:(1)關于政治經濟學的研究對象的研究;(2)關于生產力問題的研究;(3)關于勞動價值論的研究;(4)關于地租理論的研究;(5)關于商品經濟、市場經濟及其運行機制的研究;(6)關于收入分配問題的研究;(7)關于中國特色社會主義政治經濟學理論體系等問題的研究與探索。
We introduce and interpret Wei Xinghua's economic thoughts and theoretical contribution in the principles of Marxism political economics,socialist economic theory and building the theoretical system of political economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,in terms of the research theme and development of academic thoughts.The following aspects are mainly stated as Wei Xinghua's economic thoughts:study on 1)research object of political economy;2)productivity issues;3)theory of labor value;4)theory of land rent;5)commodity economy,market economy and its operating mechanism;6)income distribution issues;7)building the theoretical system of political economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,etc.

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