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中州學(xué)刊 頁數(shù): 10 2020-01-15
摘要: 市場經(jīng)濟(jì)是人類社會創(chuàng)造發(fā)明的一種精巧的調(diào)節(jié)生產(chǎn)與消費(fèi)的有效機(jī)制。作為一種人造之物,其本身無所謂道德與否。但從市場經(jīng)濟(jì)能夠帶來極大滿足民眾需求之結(jié)果的角度來看,它與倫理道德是有關(guān)聯(lián)的。市場經(jīng)濟(jì)這種意義上的道德并不體現(xiàn)于企業(yè)家的素質(zhì)之高尚與動機(jī)之善良,而在于市場經(jīng)濟(jì)這一機(jī)制的功能與結(jié)果的合道德性。具體而言,一方面,市場經(jīng)濟(jì)能夠?qū)е掠械赖乱饬x的結(jié)果;另一方面,市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的運(yùn)行邏輯中能夠反映出一些諸如自由、平等、誠信等重要的倫理原則。盡管市場經(jīng)濟(jì)是一種自由的經(jīng)濟(jì),有著自由的價(jià)值內(nèi)蘊(yùn),但市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的自由并不是萬能的,而是需要有其自身所無法創(chuàng)造的框架性條件的約束與保護(hù),這一框架性條件充滿著倫理道德的意蘊(yùn)。沒有國家建構(gòu)的框架條件的保駕護(hù)航,市場經(jīng)濟(jì)就難以避免從自由到自毀的命運(yùn)。換言之,市場自由的充分展開,亟須倫理道德的約束與矯正。
The market economy is an ingenious mechanism for regulating the production and consumption created and invented by human society. As an artificial thing,it does not matter whether it is moral or not. But from the perspective that the market economy can bring great results to meet the needs of the people,it is related to ethics and morality. The morality of the market economy in this sense does not lie in the high quality of the entrepreneur and the goodness of the motivation,but in the morality of the function and result of the mechanism of market economy. Specifically,for one respect,the market economy can lead to morally meaningful results. For the other respect,the operational logic of the market economy can reflect important ethical principles such as freedom,equality,and integrity. Although the market economy is a kind of free economy with the value of freedom,the freedom of the market economy is not omnipotent,but requires the constraint and protection of the framework conditions which can not be created by itself. This framework condition is full of ethical and moral implications. Without the escort of the framework conditions created by the state,it is difficult for the market economy to avoid the fate from freedom to self-destruction. In other words,the full development of market freedom urgently requires the ethical and moral constraints and corrections.

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