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科技管理研究 頁數: 9 2019-05-10
摘要: 中國各地區(qū)的科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展差異性較為明顯。對中國科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展的異質性進行分析,首先計算各省份、各區(qū)域的基尼系數進行區(qū)域間對比和區(qū)域內貢獻量分析,其次運用因子分析法測度各省份科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展的投入產出效率,最后利用面板模型對影響各地區(qū)科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展的因素進行回歸。研究結果表明:華北與華東地區(qū)的基尼系數較其他地區(qū)的大,北京和上海的科技服務業(yè)發(fā)展水平較高;科技服務業(yè)的投入產出效率為北京、上海、天津較高而江蘇、山東較低,整體發(fā)展水平為廣東、北京、江蘇位于前三;地區(qū)生產總值和技術成交額與基尼系數之間成反比例關系,而科技服務業(yè)從業(yè)人員與基尼系數之間則成正相關關系,各省份之間的情況略有差異。
There are obvious differences in the development of science and technology service industry in different regions of China. This paper analyzes the heterogeneity of the development of science and technology service industry in China. Firstly, the Gini coefficient of each province and region is calculated for interregional comparison and intra-regional contribution analysis. Secondly, the factor analysis method is used to measure the input-output efficiency of the development of science and technology service industry in each province. Finally, the factors affecting the development of science and technology service industry in each region are regressed by the panel model. The results show that:the Gini coefficient of North China and East China is larger than that of other regions, and the development level of science and technology service industry in Beijing and Shanghai is higher than that of other regions; the input-output efficiency of science and technology service industry is Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin is higher than Jiangsu, Shandong is low, the overall level of development is Guangdong, Beijing, Jiangsu is in the top three; The Gini coefficient is inversely proportional to the regional GDP and technology turnover, while the Gini coefficient is positively correlated with the technology service workers, and the situation among the provinces is slightly different.

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