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世界地理研究 頁數: 10 2019-06-15
摘要: 生活性服務業(yè)是服務經濟的重要組成部分,其合理布局對發(fā)展城市經濟、滿足居民消費需求具有重要作用?;陂L沙市六區(qū)POI數據,運用核密度分析、熵指數、頻數密度分析及空間聚類等方法研究長沙市生活性服務業(yè)的空間格局特征,發(fā)現長沙市生活性服務業(yè)的分布具有以下特點:1)主要受交通及城市規(guī)劃指向性影響,沿交通主干道集聚分布,整體布局呈"一核四軸多極"且空間分布與人口集中度聯(lián)系緊密,東西差異明顯,東部多而密集、西部少而分散;2)不同類型的生活性服務業(yè)分布特征各異,在空間形態(tài)上主要表現為"單核心"、"雙核心"和"多核心"等;3)其功能多樣性布局呈現以五一廣場為核心的"中心-外圍"結構特征,功能多樣且混合程度高的區(qū)域位于城市中心,城市邊緣區(qū)生活性服務業(yè)集聚性較弱且多為單一功能或者雙功能混合區(qū)。
Consumer service industry is an important part of service economy,and its rational distribution plays an important role in developing urban economy and meeting the consumption demand of residents.As an important point data representing urban spatial facilities, poi is a new data source to study the characteristics of urban spatial pattern. Based on poi data, the spatial pattern of consumer service industry in Changsha was studied by using the methods of kernel density analysis, entropy index, frequency density analysis and spatial clustering. It is found that the consumer service industry of Changsha is mainly influenced by traffic and urban planning. The whole distribution is "one core, four axes, multi-polarity", and the spatial distribution is closely related to population concentration, and the difference between east and west is obvious;The distribution characteristics of different types of consumer service industry are different, which are mainly "single core", "double core" and "multi-core" in spatial form. The distribution of functional diversity is characterized by the central periphery structure at the core of the Wuyi Square. The areas with diverse functions and high degree of mixing are located in the central city, and the consumer service industry in the peripheral area is weak and most of them are single-function or dualfunction mixed areas.

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