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浙江大學學報(理學版) 頁數(shù): 8 2019-07-15
摘要: 從生態(tài)位相關理論應用出發(fā),基于生態(tài)位寬度、重疊度和密度解析村落養(yǎng)老價值的影響源和影響機制。在建立都市區(qū)村落養(yǎng)老行業(yè)系統(tǒng)的基礎上,結合需求度調查,歸納了行業(yè)生態(tài)鏈中的生態(tài)元功能組成。并以影響源推導評價子系統(tǒng),以生態(tài)元功能衍生出評價模塊,從村落養(yǎng)老的時間位、空間位、功能位上的優(yōu)勢目標出發(fā),構建了一個與生態(tài)位關聯(lián),由評價維度、價值子系統(tǒng)、模塊、指標變量4個層級組成的都市區(qū)村落養(yǎng)老價值評價體系。此體系的研究立足于生態(tài)位對村落養(yǎng)老價值的影響機制和養(yǎng)老產(chǎn)業(yè)良性發(fā)展的適應性,為村落養(yǎng)老價值評價體系的構建提供了新視角,為村落發(fā)展養(yǎng)老產(chǎn)業(yè)的可行性判定提供了綜合性方法。
Based on the niche theory, this study analyzes the influence source and influence mechanism in terms of niche breadth, overlap and density. Under the current Metropolitan village pension system by means of demand survey, the ecological meta function of urban pension industry is determined. The evaluation subsystem is then established by taking full account of the influence source, and the ecological meta function is incorporated into the evaluation module.With the aim of taking advantage of time, space and function, we construct a niche associated evaluation system,including dimension, subsystem, module and indicator. This system is based on the influence mechanism of ecological niche to the value of village pension, and its suitability for pension industry's balanced development, providing a new perspective village for village pension value evaluation, offering a comprehensive method for the practicability evaluation of pension industry development.

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